Tag Archives: Women’s March

Why I Marched in Women’s March Los Angeles, Part 3: First Amendment Rights

I believe it was not a coincidence that the authors of the Constitution gave the 1st Amendment top billing. Our right to free speech, a free press, and right to assemble are the backbone of what makes us a great nation.    I’ve been appalled by how our new president regards the press and those […]

Why I Marched in Women’s March Los Angeles, Part 2: Rape Culture

Most of us seemed to have a triggering moment in our new president’s campaign that cut a little too close to the bone. For those of us who oppose him, his hateful rhetoric was always bothersome. Of all the foul things I heard him say, the worst for me personally was hearing the leaked Access […]

Why I Marched in Women’s March Los Angeles, Part 1: My Experience

Rain came down hard the day of the Presidential Inauguration. The rain and wind on that Friday felt fitting. I made a joke that if I was a religious person, I would probably think that the rain was God’s tears. That was the only joke I could muster all day. It was hard to laugh […]