Tag Archives: restaurants

First Year of My Car-Free Lifestyle

Today marks an important milestone in my life.  One year ago, I sold my car. Four months before selling my car, I got a job in DTLA and starting taking Metro to work.  I go out in DTLA more than any other part of town, so I was already in the habit of taking the […]

The First Day of Hoffmas: Ktown Night Market

As soon as I heard that the Ktown Night Market was debuting on my birthday weekend, I knew I had to make that part of the festivities.  This fantastic two-night event showcased some of the greatest vendors and food that my neighborhood has to offer.  How could it get any better? I headed to the […]

The Ten Days of Hoffmas

I’m big into birthdays.  Like, really big into them.  So big, that every year I throw a weekend-long fest crammed full of my favorite things around Los Angeles, which I call Hoffmas.  All I want every year is to be surrounded by my friends and have a great time.  I specifically plan the Hoffmas activities […]