Tag Archives: K-Town

NELA Welcomes Me Home

This month marks what would be my sixth year living in the same apartment building in Koreatown–would.  As I mentioned previously, I moved to Northeast Los Angeles a few weeks ago.  It was a spontaneous move, but it was the right one. I lived in a 1930’s block apartment off of 3rd and Normandie.  It […]

Finding a Way Home After the Phone Battery Dies

Smartphones are the Swiss Army knives of green commuting.  With a smartphone, a commuter can find out when the next bus comes using the Metro app.  Google Maps will generate the best route for bikers, walkers or metro riders.  Ride sharing apps like Lyft and Uber will bring a driver to your location to give […]

Something is About to Go Down

I was wondering what that rumbling noise was as I was getting ready for work. Turns out, it’s several helicopters holding position over the Koreatown sky. What is going on? Or should I say, what is about to go down? Anyone in the K-Town area, let me know if you see anything strange throughout the […]

Tonight: Escala Pre-Fixe Dinner with Chef’s Chris Oh, & Brian Huskey

If you are hoping to stretch your weekend out for one more night, I highly suggest you check out this event tonight. Escala, located in Koreatown, is celebrating DJ Neil Armstrong’s 40th birthday with a pre-fixe menu that looks amazing. Three courses worth of truffles? Yes, please! Attendees will be able to check out DJ […]

First Year of My Car-Free Lifestyle

Today marks an important milestone in my life.  One year ago, I sold my car. Four months before selling my car, I got a job in DTLA and starting taking Metro to work.  I go out in DTLA more than any other part of town, so I was already in the habit of taking the […]

The Third Day of Hoffmas: Gualagetza

My friend, Jonah, and I were trying to figure out a place for birthday drinks and appetizers. He lives on the Southern end of K-Town, so there are many good options in between our homes. Jonah suggested his favorite Oxacan restaurant, Gualagetza, for margaritas and shrimp cocktail. Gualagetza is a unique treasure of a restaurant. […]

Couch Adventures

Today I had a very unusual day–I didn’t leave my apartment at all. I did some serious spring cleaning.  I did some serious Netflix watching too.  I just got into House of Cards.  I think I want to be Claire Underwood. The biggest adventure of the day is the delicious Mediterranean restaurant that delivers in […]

Should Bicyclists Need a License?

This morning I was a block from home on my ride to work.  I was going down a small, yet steep hill with an immediate right turn at the bottom.  I had to quickly dart out of the way of another cyclist who was riding down the wrong side of the street.  On my ride […]

Surf’s up, brah!

For the past year, I’ve been working evenings and Saturdays at my corporate job.  It worked out pretty well with my lifestyle.  I enjoyed being able to wake up without an alarm and enjoy a workout and breakfast every morning without rushing.  Sure, I missed out on beach days and BBQs on Saturdays, but it […]

No Pants Metro Ride: Unofficial Code of Conduct

If you were in Union Station the afternoon of Sunday, January 12th, you would have noticed a lot of people in their undies.  It was LA’s 6th Annual No Pants Metro Ride, and my first year participating.  Just as one would expect, the event and the pantsless after party at Loaded in Hollywood were a […]